(Animated Short Film)
“The final chapter to the LEGO In Real Life Saga. A guy tries to animate a LEGO stop motion animation but instead finds out things are not what they seem.
This guy wakes up and eats some LEGO cereal, then brushes his teeth with some fresh LEGO toothpaste. Following his morning routine, he begins a full day of LEGO stop motion animation. After heading to bed some strange things begin to happen in his house, as the LEGO begins to come to life”
Disclaimer: This was not produced in any official capacity involving the LEGO Group. LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this animation.
“Working with Jorden for our film “LEGO in Real Life 6” was an absolute pleasure. He provided quick responses to any questions I had regarding the score and themes, and had very impressive turnaround times on the revisions I asked for. A very positive experience overall- we received many comments about how professional the score sounded!”